Dental Services

What Are Veneers?

Las Vegas Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that cover the front side of your teeth. They can improve a number of cosmetic dental issues, including closing slight gaps between your teeth and improving tooth coloration.

They are bonded to the front of your teeth, so they don’t require as much enamel removal ahead of application as crowns or dental bridges. However, they can chip if you bite your nails or chew on hard objects like pencils or ice.

Is It Possible to Get Veneers with Crooked Teeth?

Veneers are made of a porcelain material that is a good match for your teeth color and can make them look brighter. They are also durable and can last for up to ten years. The veneers can be shaped to fit the shape of your tooth and cover any defects. They can also be used to repair gaps and bring crooked teeth closer together.

The veneers can be made of various materials, but the most common is a porcelain resin composite. They can repair many problems including stains, discoloration and a variety of other defects.

The procedure is not invasive and involves two visits to your Chandler cosmetic dentist. First, the dentist will evaluate your mouth and ensure that you are a candidate for veneers. Then they will remove a small amount of enamel to place the veneers on your teeth. The underlying tooth remains intact, so the nerves and roots are not affected. However, your teeth may become more sensitive to hot and cold liquids or food for a short period of time.

They are durable

Veneers are made from a strong, glass-like material that is resistant to wear and fractures. They are also able to withstand temperature changes, so even the hottest cup of coffee or cold bowl of ice cream will not affect them. However, they may break if a person puts too much pressure on them, so it’s best to avoid biting down on pens or other hard objects.

In order to get the most durable veneers, a person should find a dentist professional with a lot of experience in creating and applying them. Then, they should make sure to thoroughly check the dentist’s reviews on the Internet. Ideally, they should also be able to help them achieve the smile they’re hoping for.

Some people may notice rough patches on their veneers after the procedure is finished, but these should improve over time. Additionally, it’s important to practice good oral hygiene and have regular dental cleans.

They are removable

Veneers aren’t permanent, but you can easily remove them if you want to change your smile. Some types of veneers are called “snap-in” or “slip-on,” and they are designed to fit over your natural teeth. These are often made from cheap plastic resin and aren’t as natural looking as other kinds of veneers, but they are inexpensive and convenient to use. However, they may not hold up well when chewing food or drinking hot liquids like coffee. This is why you should talk to your dentist about the type of veneers that are right for you.

Regardless of which type of veneers you choose, they are best maintained with regular brushing and flossing. Additionally, you should avoid getting fillers or lip injections in the area around your teeth.

They are easy to maintain

Taking good care of your teeth goes a long way to keeping veneers in great shape. Regular brushing and flossing are essential to removing plaque and reducing bacteria in the mouth. You should also avoid hard foods, such as nuts, carrots, and meat bones. These can chip or crack your veneers. It is also a good idea to stop chewing on hard objects like ice, fingernails, pencils, and pens. It is a bad habit that will not only wear down your veneers but can damage other healthy teeth as well.

Visiting your dentist regularly is also important, as they can detect any problems and prevent them from getting worse. They can also recommend any treatments that may help you to reduce the risk of a problem in the future, such as professional cleanings and tooth whitening. Getting veneers is an investment, so it’s important to find a dentist who has a good reputation and experience with this procedure. This will ensure that you get the best results from your treatment. Also, be sure to make appointments in advance so that your dentist can see you when it is convenient for you.

Porcelain veneers are thin shells that are bonded to the surface of your teeth. During the procedure, your dentist will remove a small amount of enamel from the affected teeth to make room for the coverings. Then, an impression is taken to create the coverings. While you wait for them to be made, you can wear temporary veneers. Then, your dentist will bond the coverings to your teeth and reshape them as needed to achieve your desired appearance. While veneers are not reversible, they last longer than composite resin. Composite veneers also tend to chip more easily than porcelain. Porcelain veneers have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years.

In general, porcelain veneers are durable and can withstand significant forces without being broken or damaged. They are also resistant to temperature changes, which is important because they will be permanently in contact with the teeth. In addition, dental veneer porcelain is not the same as fine ceramic bone china, but it is similar in terms of ingredients (kaolin and feldspar).

The durability of your veneers depends on the materials used to fabricate them and the skill of the dentist performing the treatment. In addition, you can prevent damage to your veneers by avoiding grinding or clenching your teeth, which can cause stress on the veneers and weaken them over time. You should also avoid staining agents like coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco, as these can discolor your veneers.

Efficient chewing is an essential first step to good digestion. Crooked teeth or misaligned jaws interfere with this process, causing food to enter the stomach without being properly broken down. Braces help to align the jaws and teeth into optimal positions that allow for easier and more thorough chewing. This results in better digestion and fewer issues like gas and indigestion.

Misaligned teeth also affect the way we speak, often resulting in a lisp or other speech impediment. By bringing the teeth into proper alignment, braces can remove these speech impairments and improve your clarity of enunciation.

Another way that braces aid in digestion is by reducing tooth erosion. Misaligned teeth are more likely to wear down because they exert unbalanced pressure on the mouth’s enamel and jawbone. This can lead to accelerated bone deterioration and increased risk of gum disease. Braces work to create an even bite, reducing this issue and preventing the damage it can cause.

Additionally, crowded teeth that overlap with each other can trap bits of food that can lead to bad breath. This happens because toothbrush bristles cannot reach between overlapping teeth. Straightening your teeth with braces will make it easier to brush and floss, which reduces the likelihood of bacterial build-up that can cause gum disease.

Lastly, teeth that are not aligned correctly can cause jaw pain and headaches because they put excessive stress on the jaw muscles and joints. This can lead to temporomandibular disorders, or TMJ/TMD. TMJ problems can include jaw pain, earaches, and headaches. The good news is that a TMJ treatment plan can usually help to relieve these symptoms. In some cases, a dentist may recommend orthodontic appliances to align the jaw. These can include traditional metal braces, removable appliances, and lingual braces. Lingual braces are similar to traditional braces but are placed on the inside of your teeth so they are less noticeable. They can be more expensive than regular braces but are more comfortable for some patients. However, they must be worn continuously to be effective. They may also need to be replaced more frequently than traditional braces.

While cosmetic improvements are a big draw for most people seeking braces, there are several other benefits that come with the treatment. These advantages go beyond the aesthetics, and can improve your oral health and overall wellbeing.

Among the most obvious advantages of getting braces is that you will have straighter teeth. Crooked or misaligned teeth can make it difficult to speak, chew food and smile with confidence in social or professional settings. The good news is that a beautiful smile is within reach for many people, thanks to modern orthodontic treatments such as braces and aligners.

Today’s braces are more comfortable than ever before, and use a constant force to gradually shift your teeth into their correct positions. This process takes time, but results in a well-aligned smile that will benefit your oral health for years to come.

Straighter teeth are easier to clean, which can reduce your risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Those with crowded or crooked teeth often have hidden nooks and crannies that are difficult to reach, leading to a buildup of plaque and bacteria. Braces help to remove these obstacles and prevent a buildup of tartar, which can lead to gum disease, tooth loss or even bone loss.

Crowded teeth can also rub against each other, causing wear and tear on the enamel and an increase in your risk for cavities. This problem can be corrected with braces, which shift your teeth into their appropriate position and prevent them from rubbing together.

A straighter bite can also reduce the pressure on your teeth, minimizing the potential for clenching and grinding, which can cause long-term damage and tooth loss. The teeth that are most frequently impacted by this pressure are the upper front teeth, which can become worn down or fractured.